1. Sally Banes. Greenwich Village 1963. (Durham and London: Duke University Press, 1993) 235.

  2. Kyle Gann. "Fundamentalism." Village Voice. 11 April, 1989: 86.

  3. Dave Smith. "Following a Straight Line: La Monte Young." Contact. 18 (1977-78): 4-9.

  4. Plato. The Republic. Trans. Desmond Lee. 2nd ed. (London: Penguin Books, 1987) 252.

  5. Daryl H. Rice. A Guide to Plato's Republic. (New York: Oxford University Press, 1998) 4-7.

  6. Plato 9-10

  7. Plato 15

  8. Rice 6

  9. Rice 4-7

  10. Edward Strickland. Minimalism: Origins. (Bloomington and Indianapolis: Indiana University Press, 1993) 120.

  11. Strickland 120

  12. Strickland 126

  13. Strickland 126

  14. William Duckworth. "La Monte Young and Marian Zazeela." In Talking Music. (New York: Da Capo, 1999) 228-9.

  15. Duckworth 245

  16. Sandy McCroskey. "Dream Analysis." MELA Foundation. May 1994. http://www.virtulink.com/mela/McCroske.HTM (9 August 1999) 3.

  17. McCroskey 3

  18. La Monte Young. In Duckworth 218

  19. La Monte Young. In Duckworth 241

  20. La Monte Young. In McCroskey 3

  21. Jamie James. The Music of the Spheres. Rev. ed. (London: Abacus, 1994) 11.

  22. James 4

  23. James 30

  24. James 72

  25. James 72

  26. Rice 72

  27. Rice 71

  28. Kyle Gann. "The Outer Edge of Consonance." In "Sound and Light: La Monte Young Marian Zazeela." Bucknell Review. Vol. XL. No. 1. William Duckworth and Richard Fleming, eds. (Lewisburg: Bucknell University Press, 1996).

  29. Gann, "The Outer Edge of Consonance" 165

  30. Gann, "The Outer Edge of Consonance" 172

  31. Gann, "The Outer Edge of Consonance" 175

  32. Gann, "The Outer Edge of Consonance" 175

  33. Gann, "The Outer Edge of Consonance" 175-6

  34. Gann, "The Outer Edge of Consonance" 176 (see figure one)

  35. Gann, "The Outer Edge of Consonance" 179

  36. Strickland 165

  37. Strickland 166

  38. Plato 388-9

  39. Banes 239

  40. James 31

  41. James 31

  42. James 31

  43. Plato 99-100

  44. James 44

  45. Desmond Lee. Notes to Timaeus and Critias. Plato, au. Trans. Desmond Lee. (Middlesex: Penguin Books, 1987) 48-9.

  46. James 48

  47. Plato. Timaeus and Critias. Trans. Desmond Lee. (Middlesex: Penguin Books, 1987) 65.

  48. Plato, Timaeus and Critias 110

  49. McCroskey 4

  50. La Monte Young. Notes to The Well-Tuned Piano 81 X 25. Music by La Monte Young. La Monte Young, piano. LP record. (Gramavision 18-8701-1, 1987) 5.

  51. Young 7

  52. Young 6

  53. Young 6

  54. Ed. L. Miller. Questions That Matter: an invitation to philosophy. Shorter ed. (New York: McGraw-Hill, 1993) 63.

  55. Miller 63

  56. La Monte Young. In Duckworth 234

  57. McCroskey 2

  58. Gann, "The Outer Edge of Consonance" 153
    He continues: "If Cage stood for Zen, multiplicity, and becoming, Young stands for yoga, singularity, and being." Interestingly, the words "becoming" and "being" in this context are actually trademarks of Plato, who himself used them to describe the physical and transcendent worlds respectively.

  59. Ian Nagoski. "La Monte Young and Marian Zazeela: an interview by Ian Nagoski." Halana. http://www.halana.com/lymz.html (8 August 1999) 1.

  60. McCroskey 7